Volunteer With Us!

The Buck Rock Foundation has developed a volunteer program to engage community involvement and to provide logistical support for the achievement of the goals of the Foundation. We involve local residents and community members to staff the facilities, help with restoration and maintenance projects and to collect historic information and photographs in an effort to promote the education and preservation of our conservation heritage.
The Buck Rock Foundation offers a broad variety of volunteer activities for those who are interested in preserving the tradition of fire lookouts in our National Forests and National Parks. From working and living in a fire lookout to serving barbeque tri-tip at fund-raising events, there is something fun for everyone to enjoy!
We have listed volunteer activities under five categories: Volunteer Lookout Program, Fundraising and Public Relations, Restoration Projects, Historic Collecting and Archiving, and Education and Interpretation. Choose the category below that interests you!
Still have question? Please contact us.

Volunteer Categories
Volunteer Lookout Program (Fire Watcher)
Restoration Projects
Education & Interpretation


Volunteer Lookout Program (Fire Watcher)

The Buck Rock Foundation Volunteer Lookout program supports the fire management programs of Sequoia National Forest and Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park by providing fire detection, radio communications, weather observations and public information at fire lookout stations. By providing this service, volunteers help protect communities and public lands from catastrophic wildfires, increase public awareness about the forest, fire and lookouts and help preserve our conservation heritage.

Fire Lookout volunteers staff three fire lookouts in the Kings River watershed: Buck Rock, Delilah and Park Ridge during fire season. Fire season is typically May through October.
NOTE: This is a very popular program and space is limited. Please RSVP if you would like to attend our Lookout Orientation held each spring.

• Be 18 years or older, or accompanied by an adult if younger
• Be in good health and have good eyes eight
• Be able to read a topographical map.
• Feel comfortable talking on the radio.
• Think quickly and calmly in emergency situations.
• Need little supervision.
• Ability to live/work in isolated areas for periods of time.
• Friendly, courteous and professional with the visiting public.
• Have a good attitude and learn something new!

• ·Attend the Lookout Orientation held in the April
• Sign a volunteer agreement with the Forest Service and/or the Park Service
• Complete the required training provided by the Buck Rock Foundation
o Annual participation in the our classroom group Lookout Training
o Complete 2-3 days of “in-tower” training to achieve certification
o Volunteer for a minimum of 45 hours per season (approximately 5 days/shifts). You can work one day at a time or combine days and spend the night at the
lookout. A shift is generally 9:00-6:00.

• Have a strong commitment to the vision, mission and purpose of the Buck Rock Foundation.
• Maintain your uniform in good condition and wear it while on duty
• Attend annual mandatory refresher trainings
• Have your own transportation. High clearance vehicles are recommended.
• Our lookouts are open to the public and are popular with visitors. As representatives of the US Forest Service and National Park Service, you will be expected to be friendly and courteous when working with the public.

• Study the weather, Check-out a book on weather. Learn about weather patterns, thunderstorm activity and types of clouds.
• Study maps. Learn the basics of map reading – Understand topography (recognize ridges, drainages, mountain tops, and elevation topo lines) and legal locations.
• Explore! Study a map of the area and get familiar with names of landmarks surrounding the lookout. Explore the territory surrounding the lookout by driving nearby roads and hiking nearby trails.
• Listen to a scanner. Get familiar with the language and situations emergency services communicate on the radio.
• Learn about the forest and park. Read about or visit the Sequoia National Forest and Kings Canyon National Park Visitor Centers. Learn about sequoia trees, fire, the natural and cultural history and recreational opportunities in the area.

All three of our lookouts are self-contained units with power, a bed, fridge, stove, oven and sink. Bathroom facilities are outhouses located at ground level. There are no shower facilities. Living at a lookout is similar to camping.
• Delilah and Park Ridge have cell phones and Buck Rock has a telephone landline. Currently only Verizon provides coverage in our area.
• Bring a sleeping bag, pillow or pillow cover, towels, flashlight and personal items.
• Bring drinking water and food supplies (Note: Essentials like dishes, utensils and cleaning supplies are available to use.) Facilities have non-potable water for washing.
• Cabinet space is limited but available for storing personal belongs while you are at the lookout.
• Binoculars are supplied but suggest you bring a pair if you have them.
• Lookouts have a refrigerator, a single bed, a sink, and a stove with an oven.
• Wildlife – one of the real pleasures of the living at a lookout is being able to share nature with animals you may not ordinarily see in your day-to-day life. Please respect the wildlife!
• When your shift is over, leave the lookout as you found it – floor swept, trash emptied, dishes washed and put away, etc.


  • Delilah Lookout-
    Delilah is staffed exclusively by Buck Rock Foundation volunteer lookouts and is often the first assignment for incoming volunteers. It is located in the northern most part of the Sequoia National Forest at an elevation of 5,156 feet with dramatic views of the lower Kings River drainage as it flows into Pine Flat reservoir. Delilah is a spacious 15×15’lookout cab on a 70’metal tower with access to the top via a stairway that zig-zags within the frame of the tower. You can drive to the base of this tower along a dirt road and park down below. Delilah is considered a remote post, with beautiful sunsets and few visitors other than wildlife.

· Park Ridge Lookout –
After almost 10 years of closure, the Buck Rock Foundation opened up Park Ridge in September 2004 and is responsible for staffing the lookout with volunteers. Park Ridge is located in Kings Canyon National Park just northeast of Grant Grove. Access is along a well-maintained fire road that is closed to the public with parking at the base of the tower. Visitors to the lookout must hike 2.6 miles of trail from Panorama Point to get to the tower. Park Ridge was built in 1966 and is a well-maintained, all-steel fire lookout with a cozy 12×12’cab and only 30 feet off the ground. Park Ridge receives about 1,000 visitors per year, enjoys views of the Great Western Divide and is critical in protecting our local mountain and foothill communities at risk for wildfire.

· Buck Rock Lookout –
The namesake of the Foundation, Buck Rock lookout is a spectacular location for fire detection and for the visiting public to enjoy. At 8,502 feet, this high elevation lookout is the primary fire detection location for the Hume Lake Ranger District of the Giant Sequoia National Monument. It is staffed 5 days a week with a forest service employee. Volunteers staff the lookout for two days a week or as needed. Due to the complexity of the situation – Buck Rock is used as a communications hub by the Forest Service, receives an abundance of thunderstorm activity and is visited by thousands of people each year – only our more experienced volunteers typically staff Buck Rock.


One of the missions of the Buck Rock Foundation is to help maintain and restore fire lookouts in the Sequoia National Forest and Kings Canyon National Park. Fire lookouts are considered historically significant as most are at least 50 years old. Lookouts are also of cultural significance as they represent an important era in our nations conservation history. You can imagine what happens to a building that sits perched alone for fifty years or more on top of a mountain, constantly being battered by the extreme conditions at high elevations: strong winds, tons of snow, rodents seeking shelter, etc. For years lookouts have suffered from their unusual habitat and years of neglect due to lack of funding and negligence. Our Preservation Program helps to restore and maintain fire lookouts and guard stations. How can you help?

We work with government agencies and follow historic preservation guidelines to help restore and rehabilitate fire lookouts and guard stations. Some of the projects we have been involved with include: Buck Rock rehab (2012-13), Needles rehab (2007), Delilah rehab (2010-11), Park Ridge rehab (2016), Big Meadows Guard Station and Beach Meadow Guard Station (2004),

Our Facilities Maintenance team works with agencies to provide assessments of fire lookouts to help determine and prioritize projects. We gather interested volunteers to work on completing these projects while also donating materials and other supplies. Our goal is to prevent further deterioration and to provide a safe environment for fire-watchers and visitors at lookouts. Some of the facilities we have helped maintain include: SQF – Bald Mountain LO, Breckenridge LO, Buck Rock LO, Delilah LO, Mule Peak LO, Jordan Peak LO, Park Ridge LO, Cannell Meadow Guard Station; SNF – Fence Meadow LO, Mt Tom LO; SEKI – Park Ridge LO.

Join our Facilities Maintenance Team to help us complete projects at lookouts and guard stations. Contact us at buckrock@inreach.com or call 559-901-8151 if you are interested.


· Willingness to take direction
– Basic knowledge of work site safety practices or the willingness to learn
· Ability to pound a nail, use small hand-tools, wield a paint brush
· Not afraid of heights
· In good physical condition
· Ability to lift heavy objects
· Ability to climb stairs

(We are always looking for people who are experienced in historic preservation work as many of our projects need to stay within SHPO guidelines.)


· Free camping near project work site
· Rustic conditions (usually an outhouse and no running potable water)
· Sometimes food or snacks will be provided, but not always
· Restoration may include foundation work, replacing siding, painting, re-roofing, replacing windows and window frames, caulking, window glazing, deck building and carpentry.

Education and Outreach

The Buck Rock Foundation participates in special events and provides programs that encourage preservation and stewardship of fire lookouts and public lands. Many volunteer opportunities support this effort.

Friends of Buck Rock Docents provide much needed support for the operation of Buck Rock Lookout, where thousands of visitors make the trek to experience a working lookout and enjoy the spectacular views. (Please view Docent section below)

The Tulare County Fair provides the venue for sharing fire lookouts with kids and adults at the Blue Ridge Fire Lookout Display. The lookout cab was removed from its home on Blue Ridge above Springville in 2010, refurbished and transferred to the fairgrounds where it is now used as part of the CAL FIRE Smokey Bear educational pavilion. BRF has been involved with the effort from the get-go and provides volunteers to staff the display. A canvas backdrop with a photo of a smoke in the forest helps demonstrate the use of the original fire finder that sits in the center of the cab. Volunteers explain the history and workings of the fire lookout and its benefit to the forest. The Tulare County Fair typically runs for 4 days in September. Dates vary from year to year.

– Volunteers work with the CAL FIRE prevention team to talk to kids and adults about the workings of a fire lookout and its roll in fire prevention. Training and informational materials are available prior to the event. Volunteers work in 4-5 hour shifts for two days during the fair.

The Buck Rock Foundation Open House has been a tradition since 2000, when the Foundation and the Forest Service officially partnered to reopen Buck Rock Lookout. This free event, which takes place annually on Sunday of Labor Day weekend, features tours of the lookout, educational displays, fire lookout memorabilia, and Smokey Bear. A flag-raising ceremony starts off the event, which is held at the base of the Buck Rock from 10:30-3:00.

– Staff a booth, greet people, help with traffic control, give tours. Between 300-400 visitors attend this very popular event each year.


Youth camps, schools and leadership academies enjoy visiting Buck Rock and Park Ridge fire lookouts for opportunities to learn about fire prevention, fire ecology, the cultural and natural history of the Kings River watershed and all about the workings of a fire lookout.

· Group field trips (Free except for Park entrance fee)
· Youth Education Program – Meets CA Standards for 4th and 5th grade classes (Cost)
NOTE: Transportation not provided
For more information or to sign up call 559-901-8151 or email buckrock@inreach.com

· Naturalists, educators and others interested in leading field trips and providing educational programs.

The Friends of Buck Rock Docent Program

Do you love spending time in the mountains? Are you friendly with a positive attitude? Or maybe you’re a long-time visitor to Buck Rock and want to give back to that oh-so-very special place? Then this may be the volunteer opportunity for you!

Buck Rock Lookout, in the Giant Sequoia National Monument, has increasingly become an international destination. With this popularity comes a constant stream of people who are excited to see a working lookout and to view the spectacular sites seen from the top of the rock. While it is wonderful to share our lookout with so many visitors, at times it can impact the fire-watcher and the job they are there to do. In response to the need for crowd control and to help answer questions by inquisitive visitors, the Buck Rock Foundation has instituted a Docent Program designed to help out on weekends, holidays and other high-impact days during the summer months.

Volunteer docents set up at the base of Buck Rock with tables, chairs and awnings to talk to visitors before they head up the stairs. Limiting the number of guests climbing the stairs and inside the lookout cab allows the lookout on duty to do the job more effectively.

In addition to handing out bits of information about the forest, park and interpretation about lookouts and fire, docents also explain how to support the Buck Rock Foundation and the preservation of fire lookouts through donations and the purchase of Buck Rock merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, pines, pottery and other unique lookout items.

Our docent program, which began during the 2015 fire season, has been a big success and we would like to continue the program into the future. Your time commitment is based on your availability (from one day to several) generally beginning mid-June through Labor Day weekend. If you are interested in volunteering as a “Friend of Buck Rock” please contact us via email at hello@buckrock.org or by telephone 559-920-6824.

Hope to see you at Buck Rock!