PARK RIDGE LOOKOUT is currently closed and will reopen in late May 2025
Elevation 7471 feet / 2277 meters
Kings Canyon National Park
California, USA
DMS 36˚ 43’ 28.37”, -118˚ 56’ 37.48”
UTM 36.724548, -118.943744
Township 14 South, Range 28 East, Section 9 NW ¼
What to know before you go
Park Ridge Lookout is open daily to the public from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm during fire season, which is usually mid-May through October, but may be closed at any time without notice due to fire activity, adverse weather conditions, or other situations as needed.
Get to Park Ridge by hiking the trail from Panoramic Point (5 miles round-trip) or from the Manzanita Trail (5 mile loop). There is no vehicle access.
Park Ridge Lookout is normally staffed 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. The lookout is used as both work place and residence for the firewatcher on duty.
There is no public toilet or water available on site, and no garbage service – please pack out your trash.
Weather conditions near Park Ridge Lookout:
About Park Ridge Lookout
Park Ridge Lookout is located on the southern end of Park Ridge just east of Grant Grove, in Kings Canyon National Park and was established in 1916.
Park Ridge was originally an open air lookout with a lean-to shelter and a tent platform. The lookout was jointly managed by the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service until 1940 when the Park Service assumed sole responsibility for the lookout. In 1964, the original wooden lookout, with lower living quarters, was replaced by the current 20 foot high, 14’ X 14’ steel tower and was moved ¼ mile SW of the original site.
Park Ridge was staffed every fire season by Mattie Simms from June 1956 until her retirement in October 1974. After Mattie retired, the lookout was staffed only sporadically for many years and was closed permanently in 1996. Through a cooperative agreement between the Buck Rock Foundation and the National Park Service, Park Ridge reopened in 2004 and continues to be staffed every fire season by Buck Rock Foundation volunteer firewatchers.